Jina la Zabuni | Date Added | Expire Date | |
invatation for tender no.LGA/044/HQ/2017/2018/G/38 | May 15, 2018 | July 28, 2018 | Pakua |
Results of the awarded bidder for tender No.LGA/HQ/044/2013/2014/CW/RWSSP/3 | January 21, 2018 | March 09, 2018 | Pakua |
Results of the awarded bidder for tender No.LGA/HQ/044/2013/2014/CW/RWSSP/5 | January 21, 2018 | March 09, 2018 | Pakua |
INVITATION FOR TENDERS | October 06, 2017 | October 06, 2017 | Pakua |
Rombo District Council,Mkuu Bomani Street
Sanduku la Posta: P.o Box 52,Mkuu,Rombo
Simu: 027-2757101
Simu ya Mkononi: 027-2757101
Barua Pepe: ded@rombodc.go.tz
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