Mathias N.Gungumka-Head of Department.
Our Vision; Healthy people in a healthy and sustainable environment
Our Mission; Protects people’s health from environmental microbes, potential hazards and risks
Environment and Cleansing Department have one Head of Department, One Environmental Health Officer, 11 Assistant Environmental Health Officers and 4 Environmental Health Assistants, Only 14 wards have Environmental Health practitioners among 28 wards and existing deficiencies are 14 Assistant Environmental Health Officers.
One of the responsibilities of Hygiene and Environmental Sector is to control the human beings environment, human work place and passages so that these places could not be the source of various infectious and non-infectious diseases in humans.
Sanitation and Environmental Health Activities are guided by the guidelines under various law enacted by parliament; The Tanzania Public Health Act No.1 of 2009 and its regulations published in Government Gazette No. 226 of 29.June.2012.
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act No.1 of 2003 and its regulations published in Government Gazette No. 112 of 25th August 2006, and the Established Rombo District Council Rules No.1.of 2017.
Some of the roles implemented by this department are;
1. To monitor and follow-up the implementation of the National Sanitation campaign in all 68 villages reached during implementation from household level, hamlet, village and ward level from 2013 to 2016, in order to influence the community's participation for the improvement in sanitation interventions, Ties including the construction and proper use of latrine as well as the innovative manufacturing of equipment for hand washing with soap after visiting the toilet.
2. Managing and coordinating solid waste collection, storage, transportation and disposal from business centers, markets and communal places.
3. Implement, manage and co-ordinate food premises conducting selling, production and distribution of foodstuffs in the district as well as to take legal action for violators of environmental Health laws and regulations
4. Implement, manage and coordinate practical property inspection and audit of institutional, residential, industrial, garage and all areas including living or working places and provide advice to these areas so that will not be the source of harmful human diseases to the environment and human sorrounding
5. Performing water sources inspection and providing health education and advice on the care and protection of these sources
6. To advise and take legal measures for all who go against the laws relating to Sanitation and Health.
Rombo District Council,Mkuu Bomani Street
Sanduku la Posta: P.o Box 52,Mkuu,Rombo
simu: 027-2757101
Mobile: 027-2757101
staff mail: ded@rombodc.go.tz
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